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  • Ancient Petroglyphs

    Bison reintroduced to Wanuskewin Heritage Park in 2019, the animals’ hooves uncovered four 1,000-year-old rock carvings. The elders of the Wahpeton Dakota Nation had long prophesized that the return of the plains bison to their ancestral lands would portend a welcome turn of events for Canada’s First Nation peoples. They may not have known, however, that it would take just eight months for this prediction to come true.

  • Apache Religious Traditions

    The Lipan Apaches are one of the Apache tribes of the American Southwest outlined in the general Apache entry. Of all Apaches, the Lipans ranged the farthest east, even as far as the Mississippi River. The Lipans primarily hunted buffalo until it was no longer possible due to the near eradication of bison.

  • Paint Rock Pictographs Show Lipan Apache History

    The legends of the Lipan Apache tell of emergence places, sacred ceremonies and the mythic heroes and monsters that fought in the underworld—and you can see those legends on pictographs at Paint Rock in Texas.

  • First People of America and Canada - Turtle Island

    This is a child friendly, educational site about Native Americans (American Indians) and members of the First Nations.